Ramona’s history begins in 1968, when Christos Kaskavelis chose to open in a small basement on the corner of Agion Panton and Hesperidon in Kallithea, the next hangout – as it turned out – of the rebetiko artists (Greek blues) of the time.
Who is Ramona? Unfortunately the owner, Christos Kaskavelis, passed away early, without his children ever being able to find out the inspiration behind the name. The descendants who have taken over the business for 33 years now, Maria and Dimitris, speculate that an old song might have been the source of inspiration. Among others, great Greek artists such as Sofia Vembo, Costas Chatzis and Alkistis Protopsalti, have sung a different Ramona, so it is not clear where the inspiration and choice of the name exactly came from, which continues to hold a romantic mystery for decades.

Our History
After the tavern’s beginning in the basement of the corner of Agion Panton and Hesperidon in the summer of ’68, in 1974, Ramona moved a little further down, at 11-13 Minos Street, where the tavern remains to this day.
Grandpa Christos Kaskavelis, had then sold the plot on Minoos Street, taking a share for the tavern from the apartment building that was built. He considered it a necessary condition for a tavern to be relatively hidden, so Ramona also remained hidden in the basement of the new apartment building where she was moved. It soon becomes a hangout for the rebetiko and artistic world of the time. Up until a few years ago, Ramona’s tables were filled daily until 7 in the morning.
Although the tavern’s schedule has now changed significantly, Ramona continues to stay overnight, standing out from other taverns!
Ramona is now run by Maria and Dimitris, children of Mr. Christos, who have been working in the tavern since they were 7 years old. The tradition in the family business is also continued by their own children, Christos and Dimitris, who work in the kitchen with Dimitris and his wife Anna Upon your arrival at our venue, Maria, the hostess of the hall, will see to your warm welcome, but also take care of everything you might need so that to enjoy your meal.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is to offer our guests and customers a pleasant dining experience through our dishes and delicious suggestions. Well-cooked meat, homemade food – always cooked with love that brings extra flavor to the dish, filling portions, and good prices, are all ingredients of the success and longevity of our business, which we preserve and make sure we faithfully maintain.

The Experience
We have created for you a rich menu comprised of many surprise dishes, that one would not expect to find in a neighborhood tavern hidden in a building’s basement. Traditional recipes, homecooked and grilled dishes, will leave you completely delighted and full.
As in any genuine ‘koutouki’, the first thing to reach the table is the traditional jug of wine, necessary for a good start to warm us up. Next comes the menu with a whole list of choices of various salads and appetizers, such as fava, pastourmali, beets, chorta and cheese. Hot appetizers, such as meatballs, mushroom pie, and roasted peppers, will follow to boost your appetite. While exquisite delicacies and delicious dishes such as, bekri meze, snails, grilled quail, lamb sweets and beef fries, come to complete a delicious and enjoyable menu.
Ramona will satisfy with her tasty suggestions all the food fanatics and gourmands, but even those with the most demanding tastes.
Our Cuisine
We have carefully selected all our ingredients. Our recipes and dishes are always well prepared and carefully cooked, to offer you the best possible result every time. Favorite dishes that we invite you to try are our stuffed cabbage rolls topped with a mouthwatering, velvety sauce and the delicious beef braised in tomato sauce.
We serve our bread baked and our wine is in bulk. After having done an extensive wine tasting, we came up with the ideal wine to go with Ramona’s dishes.